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Reports until 16:23, Tuesday 06 March 2012
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Tuesday 06 March 2012 (2368)
Investigation of Rogue H2-ITMY Excitations Ongoing
        In cdsimac6.cds.ligo-wa.caltech.edu:/Users/controls/2012_03_06_channelStudy, I left my notes from a study to see which of the ~250-270 excitations could have gone wrong. I first exported all of the channels on that ISI with "EXCMON" in the name to channelList.txt. I then copied that file to channelListDone.txt.
	Within channelListDone.txt (attached), I marked a plus by a channel that had abnormal activity between 0800 and 1600 PST on 3/1/2012. A minus is marked by a channel that I checked that seems clear. I've checked 144 channels by running each of them in Data Viewer. I've also attached the latest version to this post.
	See attached PDF for a sample Data Viewer plot of five suspect channels and one innocent channel (complete flatline). I don't notice any patterns so far to which channels were triggering. However, I hope to look at the other ~150 channels soon.
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