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Reports until 09:33, Wednesday 07 March 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:33, Wednesday 07 March 2012 (2375)
TMS ISC table is grounded to the cable shells

After swapping the picomotor cable, I and Dan Hoak proceeded to check the grounding. To our disappointment, the ISC table is grounded to three of the four cable shells.

We disconnected all four cables connecting the ISC table to the bracket on the ISI table, and tested the grounding of the ISC table to the on-ISC-table cable shells (there are four), and they're fine.

Somewhere downstream, shielding of one or more cables should be touching the metal part of the TMS or ISI, and of course the ISC table is electrically grounded to any of these structures. We need to check cable clamps and copper wires used for bundling the cables.

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