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Reports until 19:24, Thursday 08 March 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:24, Thursday 08 March 2012 - last comment - 14:55, Friday 09 March 2012(2398)
Ground loops: TMS and ISC are good, SUS and TCS are not

We continued our investigation by disconnecting everything under the ISI table from outside.

As it turned out, all TMS and ISC cables are fine, but using DVM with alcohol-wiped tips we identified problems in SUS BOSEMs and TCS ring heater:

  1. L2 (penultimate mass) BOSEM cable shield,
  2. L1 (second mass from the top) BOSEM cable shield,
  3. Ring heater cable sheild

are all locally (i.e. in-vac) connected to the metal structures, and if you look closely it's really obvious (Rich said "How can this NOT be grounded?!").


The first picture shows the cable connector clamp on the penultimate mass. Can you see that the clamp doesn't have any insulation? It's just two metal plates sandowitching the metal connector shell. Of course the penultimate mass is electrically connected to ISI via suspension wire.

Also, a pinching clamp for the cable (only the bottom half of which is shown at the top of the photo) doesn't have insulation, though the cable itself has an insulation mesh.

I couldn't take a good picture of the L1 connector clamp, but it's the same design.

This is a serious ground loop right there for SUS (but not for ISC and TMS) and we should discuss any possible fix.


The second picture shows the elaborately designed cable bracket thingie that directly connects the ring heater cable shell to the mirror cage.


We haven't disconnected ISI cables simply because there are many,  and we know that the ISI cables are going to be revisited after the cartridge insertion. But somebody should do that to see if there's some funny thing is going on like SUS and TCS (and ISC/TMS before we fixed one clamp problem).

We just looked around and saw two cable shield rings resting on metal bolt of ISI (third and forth picture).

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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:55, Friday 09 March 2012 (2400)
I was able to sneak out to Ey and disassemble the brackets which were causing the ground fault on the QUAD (SUS ones, not TCS ones).  Rich will continue his "Ohming", but I will need to redress these brackets/connectors.  I have the Reaction chain UIM and PenRe clamped. 
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