Reports until 15:10, Friday 09 March 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Friday 09 March 2012 - last comment - 18:01, Friday 09 March 2012(2402)
H2 ITMy BSC8 extraction
Today, Travis, Jason and I finished extracting the ITMy lower QUAD structure.  There was a small issue with the elevator controller unit in that it failed to lower all the way.  We addressed this issue by swapping it with the controller from our second elevator setup (having backups is a VERY good thing).  We also encountered some interference between the optic stop "fingers" and the arm, resulting in removing the fingers altogether and reseating the elevator on the QUAD.

The QUAD was removed from the BSC repair arm and inserted into a lower structure storage container for it's flight back to the fiber welding cleanroom in the LVEA.  Currently, it resides in the storage container in an anterior cleanroom awaiting disassembly and a decision on the path forward.  Dale Ingram documented most of the extraction process by camera and his pictures/videos should somewhere sometime.  
Comments related to this report
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - 18:01, Friday 09 March 2012 (2405)
Two photos of the extraction are attached.  The collection sits in ResourceSpace.  Rodney Haux shot the preparations on 3/8.  In RS, sort the photos by date (click twice?) and you should see them in the proper order.
Images attached to this comment