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Reports until 16:40, Monday 12 March 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Monday 12 March 2012 (2414)
BSC8 Clean up from Fiber Break
We made a checklist for serious clean-up and staged for an entry to BSC8. The repair arm, elevator and 5-axis table were covered with C-3 and swung out of the way (inside the cleanroom)so that we could get into the chamber. Travis removed the Quad lower sleeve and a pan of tools. Travis and I covered the remaining SUS structures and then documented the condition of the chamber, gate valve #3, ACB, Y-Beam manifold and various nozzles. Inspection showed debris (glass, metal, fabric fibers, human hair, ?Teflon, ?Viton, glove material) in the lower viewport nozzles and in all the beam tube bellows convolutions. (This is somewhat discouraging since these areas looked as bad as they did prior to in-chamber cleaning. Maybe we need to inspect and then vacuum our way out of the chamber starting at the furthest point where we find debris.A few pix attached.) In addition, we carefully inspected all uncovered flat surfaces including nozzle bottoms and ACB for left over tools, hardware, etc. On the upper shelf of the ACB, we found one free-range silver plated nut and one free-range stainless washer (By free-range, I mean unattached to any other hardware such as a bolt or screw. Pix attached). No hardware appeared to be missing from the ACB.

Mark L. and Chris will go in tomorrow morning and get the vacuuming and wipe down completed.
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