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Reports until 16:17, Tuesday 13 March 2012
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Tuesday 13 March 2012 (2427)
H2 FMy rubbing alleviation

Since we have access to the suspensions in WBSC8, interest was expressed in attempting to cure the rubbing that was noticed on FMy.  Before chamber cleanup of the broken fibers began (since they will be removing the flooring to clean, therefore limiting access), I examined the suspension to see if I could identify the source of the rubbing.  It appeared to me that the EQ stops on the top of the top mass (L1) were in fact touching the mass.  Due to constraints from the tablecloth, these EQ stops will not accept a lock nut.  Additionally, the threads for these screws are not very tight and so do not provide any sort of locking of their own.  Therefore, I am not surprised that the rubbing seemed to get worse after the shaking incident as the screw may have rattled down even more.  I backed off both of these screws ~2 turns so as to be sure that they were free and clear.  Upon further inspection of the suspension, I noticed that the lower right (LR) BOSEM flag was rotated ~30 degrees in the BOSEM bore, and may have also been rubbing.  I rotated this back into nominal vertical position.  Jeff Garcia then began a round of TFs to check that the rubbing had been alleviated.

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