Reports until 17:39, Monday 25 October 2010
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:39, Monday 25 October 2010 (243)
DCS (LDAS) transition to A6 (After S6) archiving of DAQ (CDS) data
DCS (LDAS) transitioned to A6 (meaning "After S6") on Oct. 20, 2010, shortly after 8 am local time. During this time period all raw (L0) data at LHO and LLO is being copied to the site LDAS archives, and also is being transferred to the CIT LDAS archive, whenever this data is available from any of the DAQ (CDS) framewriters. The same holds for second-trend and minute-trend data. We continue to rsync any new DMT data, whenever it is available, but no LDAS RDS data is being generated during this time period.

Note that the raw (L0) data will soon be pared down to mostly PEM data, and there will be no interferometer data until squeezing data and aLIGO test data begins to be written to the raw frames. 

Thus, if you are looking for data "After S6" outside of the control room, ask about A6 data.