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Reports until 19:35, Thursday 15 March 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:35, Thursday 15 March 2012 (2451)
ITMy SUS Repair Status
Today, we pulled 2 of the FirstContact(FC) sheets we sprayed on yesterday.  Specifically, we pulled and inspected ITMy-HR and ITMY-AR.  While it appears that some of the particulate generated from the fiber breakage and subsequent chamber removal activities were removed from our cleaning, we still saw particulate on the surface.  It is on the order of what was observed when we left the ITMy and closed the chamber in Feb.  We reapplied the FC to these 2 surfaces and proceeded to remove it from the lower structure.  Using the ergo arm, Gerardo, Calum and I parked the ITMy in a v-block on a small optics table in the LVEA fiber welding cleanroom.  We will continue to prep the optic and suspension for a wire hang.  Pictures of the FC spray-on application are at:

Note, this was a first article spray application - more secure and fool=proof fixturing will replace all of the foiling shown in the pictures if we proceed with the spray-on technique.
Images attached to this report
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