Reports until 10:39, Friday 16 March 2012
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:39, Friday 16 March 2012 (2453)
Sensors on ISI-BSC8

The ISI was strongly excited on march 1 at its first rigid body mode (1.24Hz). Since L4Cs and GS13s have their resonance at 1Hz and T240 are fragile instruments, they may have been damaged during the intense shaking. The attached calibrated spectra shows that all geophones seem to be working properly. Spectra were measured with the ISI locked and unloaded (lower stages of the QUAD removed). Then motions measured by stage 1 (L4C, T240) and stage 2 (GS13) geophones are very close. CPSs seem to work too.

Images attached to this report