Reports until 14:56, Tuesday 20 March 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:56, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2463)
The third cleaning was completed first thing this morning and the "dirty room" was moved away from the chamber. 

The Apollo crew worked in and around HAM3 through-out the day. This morning, both doors and the support table were removed.The support table was preserved clean for later use. Later, the garbing and staging cleanrooms were moved into place on the west side of the chamber and loaded with all the appropriate accoutrements. Hoses were pulled to the chamber. Tools/tooling were retrieved from CNB. The checklist was updated, reviewed, and changed  to reflect lessons from the H2 experience. Carolyn's documentation station was staged. It looks like things are ready to start in-chamber tomorrow.