Reports until 15:56, Tuesday 20 March 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2464)
ITMy repair work
Today, Gerardo, Travis and I removed the PUM from the ITMy lower suspension and stowed it in it's cake tin and transport case.  We only cleaned the front face since we were using the ergo arm on that surface.  Most of the large glass rubble has shaken off the glass mass, but there is still particulate on it.

Travis then cleaned up the horns on the ITMy in anticipation of gluing metal prisms near them.  We fit checked the new prisms and prism gluing jig this morning.  We had to do some filing on the jig as the clearance was too tight on the prism.  The prisms and jig are now in C&B for processing.  ETA of the prisms is likely next Monday.  Tomorrow we will work on making the ITMy wire loop.