Reports until 22:19, Tuesday 20 March 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:19, Tuesday 20 March 2012 (2467)
software watchdog testing

Alex, Dave, Richard, Jim, Vern, Rolf, Joe

We had a successful day testing the new SUS OSEM software watchdogs on the BSC8 systems. Rolf released advLigoRTS/branch-2.5 which we installed on H2. We built test models for h2tcsl0 (to generate the OSEM signals) h2susb478, h2susb78  and h2seib8 (to drive local DAC channels and verify the watchdog kills the DAC outputs). We modified the IOP models on h2susb478 (ITMY) h2susb78 (FMY) and h2seib8 (BSC8 ISI and HEPI). Representative channels for DACs which are under test were routed back to the ITMY ADC card, such that we could verify the analog voltages coming out of the AI chassis were being zeroed by the watchdogs.

Alex installed the Dolphin system such that h2susb478, h2susb78 and h2seib8 could communicate using PCIe IPC.

By driving the ITMY OSEM signals with the TCS DAC, we were able to test that the h2susb478 IOP zeroed its DAC (DAC0 was tested) and disabled the DAC's anti-imaging chassis (DAC1 was tested. Richard injected a function generated electronic signal into the AI in parallel with the binary control signals to perform this last test.

We tested that both ITMY and FMY can independently kill the DAC channels on the SEI frontend (as well as killing their local DAC channels). We constructed MEDM screens to conduct these tests.

We also tested:

All systems passed their tests. Tomorrow we will test the EY BSC6 systems.