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Reports until 11:05, Friday 23 March 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:05, Friday 23 March 2012 (2477)
Prep for BSC6 Cartridge Install
Apollo has been working on removing unnecessary items from the VEA at Y-end. I went out and checked yesterday morning and things looked good. 

Since the VEA was not in laser hazard this morning,Terry S. and I took the opportunity to walk-down the VEA to establish as time-line for the required cleaning. Terry and the crew are doing a deep clean today. As soon as SEI and SUS testing are complete, the testing cables can be removed from the lay-down space on the E-module and the precision cleaning can begin (~Monday,26 March). We'll try for second cleaning ~Tuesday, 27 March.

Many items have been staged for the install including both soft roofs, all door and dome covers, and pallets for doors and dome.  

I'm attaching a drawing of the floor lay-out for BSC6 cartridge install so that everyone is aware the space restrictions we're dealing with. 
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