Reports until 09:45, Monday 26 March 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:45, Monday 26 March 2012 (2481)
Software OSEM watchdog testing

A late alog to cover the testing performed at LHO last week on the CDS software OSEM watchdog system, released as RTS version 2.5.

D.Barker, R. McCarthy, J. Batch

R.Bork, A. Ivanov

Further to my last ALOG, we performed more testing in the LVEA on ITMY and FMY (which WD Disables SEI BSC8 via Dolphin IPC). We then extended the tests to the EY end station, in which ETMY was tested (which WD disables SEI BSC6 via RFM IPC). We are in the process of formally writing up the test specs and the test results, but we can announce here that all tests passed with only one minor software change needed.

On Friday Jim and I returned all systems back to their nominal state, with the software watchdogs (which run on the front end IOP processes) running along-side the user SUS and SEI models. Jeff performed ETMY commissioning Thur and Friday and we can report that the new watchdogs do not trigger during nominal operation of the systems.

The new IOP OSEM watchdogs are monitoring the six M0 OSEMS on ITMY and ETMY, and the six M1 OSEMS of FMY, using the nominal trip filters and levels. Note that the TMSY OSEMS are not being monitored at this time because they are not in operational range and would trip the h2iopsusb6 watchdogs if attached.

I'll alog links to the relevant DCC documents covering this work when they are released.