Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 19:04, Wednesday 28 March 2012
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:04, Wednesday 28 March 2012 (2496)
CDS FMCS code change
The code which collects the data from the FMCS system and makes it available to EPICS has been changed. It now runs as only an EPICS IOC (the perl script is removed). The following should be noted:

1. If a channel becomes INVALID it will turn white instead of changing to a particular number (I think it was -123.4).
2. The IP address of the FMCS system is now specified in the st.cmd file for the IOC. It is no longer recorded in EPICS channels.
3. The date and time stamp are removed. These were used to indicate that the perl script was running.

The alarm settings are stored in /ligo/lho/h0/target/h0fmcs/h0fmcs.snap.

The IOC is running on h0epics2, which is a Ubuntu Penguin computer in the H2 electronics building. The target directory is /ligo/lho/h0/target/h0fmcs.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.