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Reports until 21:14, Wednesday 28 March 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:14, Wednesday 28 March 2012 (2499)
ITMy repair work
This morning, Gerardo attempted to remove the gluing fixture from the prism/ITMy.  An oversight in the fixture design meant that part of the fixture was trapped between the prism and the bonded ear.  In order to remove the piece, considerable pressure was put on the prism and it popped off.  So, we cleaned off the glue from the ITMy and the prism and reglued it on - this time without the offending piece (somewhat unnecessary).  Redlines will go back to engineering.  The prism was glued around 11am, cured for ~4 hours.  A heat lamp was turned on ~8 inches away from the prism for additional overnight elevated temp curing.  The PETG cap was removed for the heating cure.  FC is on both surfaces.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.