Reports until 14:15, Tuesday 26 October 2010
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:15, Tuesday 26 October 2010 (250)
H1 BSC1,2,3 Optics Lockdown
Locked down ITMX, ITMY, and BS.  ITMX and ITMY have eLigo glass earthquake (EQ) stops - BS has iLigo viton EQ stops.

On ITMs I used the four EQ stops on the face of the optic to push it onto the back EQ stops, securing it without having to remove the elliptical baffle, or working near OSEMs.  On the BS, I used EQ stops on both sides to secure the optic.

Both ITMs:
All EQ stops showed some evidence of martial removal where the EQ stops contact the optic chamfer.

When looking at the face of the optic, the Lower Right EQ stop seemed to be very close to the optic.  It's very possible that the venting of the chamber shifted the optic position, so it's unclear if this was the situation under vacuum.

When working with Patrick I turned one EQ stop (LR when looking at the otic face) too far and slightly ground the glass, which could be heard, effectively showing him what not to do.

Evidence of particulate in all BSCs, and HAM3.