Reports until 16:23, Friday 30 March 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Friday 30 March 2012 (2514)
BSC6 ETMY ISI On stops and demassed
Once Doug IAS/TMS finished what they could with the LASER Fiber etc, SEI headed in to lock down the ISI and remove the Keel Mass.  We pulled cable from the Feedthrus back to the ISI on the West end to give access to pull the Mass down.  TMS was anxious to get back in to lock down so we'll complete cable securing Monday and continue Cartridge Install steps.

Once TMS is secure, SUS is on tap for lock down and vibration absorbers.

EE has pulled cables and is working their way to the chamber.  FClara wants all day Monday to get the cable to the Feedthrus so Cartridge flight may need to wait for that.