Reports until 16:12, Monday 02 April 2012
X1 SEI - posted 16:12, Monday 02 April 2012 - last comment - 09:33, Tuesday 03 April 2012(2520)
HAM-ISI Unit #4 - Investigation Of Unusual Resonances

Unusual HF resonances/noise were observed on the transfer functions recently measured on HAM-ISI Unit #4.

Multiple configurations were tested:

  1. Initial Configuration: Top Mass Sitting on 3x thin Washers, one of them was mistakenly set on an optical table track (we found the washer bent) - Balancing Masses (5kg and 10kg) stacked on thin washers too.
  2. Top Mass Sitting on 3 Thicker washers instead of the thin ones. Same configuration (thicker washers) for the 5kg and 10kg balancing Masses.                        -> The unusual 126Hz and 160Hz resonances are pushed towards ~195Hz, where we saw them on the previous Units. 
  3. A bolt, and its washer, that were sitting in a vertical hole of corner #3 GS13's door were removed                                                                                                -> No Noticeable Effect
  4. A cable, which was possibly rubbing, was set in another position                                                                                                                                                    -> No Noticable Effect
  5. The washers set under the balancing masses were removed                                                                                                                                                         -> This considerably reduced the unwanted HF resonances/noise

A presentation for the results of each step is attached.

Transfer function measurements are running overnight on the ISI in its latest configuraton.

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Comments related to this report - 09:33, Tuesday 03 April 2012 (2526)

The thin washers that we used initially were: regular 3/8" vented washers

The thicker washers we used afterwards are: 3/8" (.41"x1.0"x.12") flat washers


The transfer functions measured overnight are attached. 

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