Reports until 16:05, Tuesday 03 April 2012
LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Tuesday 03 April 2012 (2531)
Tuesday Ops Log
- SUS cartridge installed in BSC6 yesterday. SEI still has work to do (undressing cartridge, plumbing, cabling, HEPI dial indicator, assess level of support tubes)
- Installation of OMC MC tube
- CP1 and CP5 filled by PraxAir
- Sno Valley visits
- Stoneway Electric visits
- Dust monitors: #2 (EndY?) disconnected, unsure why
- Air handler at MY alarmed, possibly due to seasonal changes (no chilled water flowing at MY)
- CDS: Many reboots at BSC8 and BSC6
- OSB doors locked at 1600