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Reports until 16:46, Wednesday 04 April 2012
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:46, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2540)
DAQ Kill in ISI model - TEST

The new BSC-ISI model (isi2stagemaster.mdl) includes a DAQKill part. This part is used when one of the following condition is met:
- Rogue excitation (Voltage on the coil drivers readbacks when the masterswicth is turned off or the ISI watchdogs are tripped)
- Excessive motion on stage 1 CPS
- ISI ST1 watchdog tripped (If SUS watchdogs trip, ISI watchdogs trip too)

More details of the changes.

In the ISI models, there are 2 channels that cannot be turned off by the ISI watchdogs.

For the test I drove offsets on:
- HEPI outputs (valve drivers turned off)
- ISI outputs channels (cables unpplugged)
- The test channels of the ISI (not connected)

I tripped the stage 1 watchdog:
- The test channels of the ISI went to zero (DAQ_KILL part)
- The output of the ISI went to zero (Watchdogs + DAQKILL)
- The HEPI channels kept driving

The DAQKILL is working fine in the BSC-ISI model.

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