Reports until 17:01, Wednesday 04 April 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:01, Wednesday 04 April 2012 - last comment - 17:18, Wednesday 04 April 2012(2541)
TMSY is in the final configuration (Dan, Cheryl, Craig, Keita)

Uninstalled the transport safety restraint and installed the in-chamber restraint. 

TMS is now connected to the West wall of the chamber by the restraint bar. You can still go in and out of the chamber from the West door, but you need to duck.

We didn't care to balance things as the ISI is probably not level. Especially, the upper mass is still locked (but the telescope is not).

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:18, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2542)

While Dan was shining the TMS primary mirror using Stinger, I noticed that when my eyes are behind the mirror but directly opposing Stinger, I can see a lot of small light dots. It look as if it's coming through many pin holes.

Now, we knew that there are thousands of point defects in the mirror surface, and we always suspected that they're coating defects. Quite disappointingly, that was true. We've already proven that the telescope's surface figure is good enough for our purpose (by injecting 1064nm beam with the same size as the IFO beam) on bench, but this is sad nevertheless.

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