[Alastair, Nutsinee]
We did a power budget of the Y-arm table, which Nutsinee is tidying up and we'll post soon. The gist of this was that we are losing a significant fraction of power due to clipping on one of the 2" mirrors, partly due to alignment and partly because the mount is so deep that the mirror sits very far back resulting in a smaller clear aperture than we had intended.
The beam is also off-center on the lens that sits in front of this mirror, suggesting that at some point this has moved and caused this clipping. We still have the beam aligned to the irises on the final part of the table so it can be realigned through this section wthout redoing the alignment to the CP (although this will be needed after the table is moved for TMDS anyway). I'm not changing the alignment right now, but this probably needs done during my next visit.
The faulty in-loop ISS photodiode has been removed and replaced temporarily with a beam dump. I'll take this back to Caltech for Ben to look at. It is serial number 003, with S-number 1400286.