Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 17:42, Tuesday 26 October 2010
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:42, Tuesday 26 October 2010 (256)
Last Ops Log
Pacific Daylight Time:
1227 - Done at BSC1,2,3
1234 - Cheryl returns to BSC2 with Patrick for ~15 minutes of checks 
1248 - EY cryopump alarms
1254 - Illuminator lights turned off via MEDM, power supply in LVEA left on
1317 - Dale out to H1 PSL to position camera for LaserFest recording
1330 - Gerardo out to LVEA to talk to Filiberto
1342 - Door Forced at EX (card APB, i addressed it) and at LVEA
1345 - DEA reports ISCT7 done
1347 - Gerardo out
1352 - Dale reports loud noise in LVEA due to microphone feedback from speaker.  He is also concerned for people who may complain about RF interference with other people's work.
1436 - Jodi and Kyle moving engine hoist from EX to MY
1445 - Betsy goes out to HAM1-3 to prepare cleanrooms for door removal
1511 - Corey opens Large Equipment Access Door.
1520 - Patrick out to LVEA to find Cheryl
1528 - Michael Rodruck back to LVEA for more measurements.
1609 - Jodi ook Optics Cart, straddle lift, and CP Stat foil dispenser from LVEA to MY, and is now back
1610 - Apollo guys finish replacing beam tube curtains...will commence crane-cleaning at 7:30am.

- I tried following up with as many Door Forced alarms as possible, but was successful less than 10% of the time in reaching the culprits by phone.  They will not be recorded in my future logs.  Currently, WAPAC reads Off-line for LVEA, but people report that it works.
- Ignore all ion pump alarms.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.