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Reports until 16:44, Friday 06 April 2012
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Friday 06 April 2012 (2561)
In-vac ISC cables for TMS connected to feed-throughs; tested picomotors and beam diverter (Cheryl & Dan)
We plugged in the in-vacuum ISC cables for TMS-Y this afternoon, following the schematic D1003085-v6.  The two QPD cables (type D1000924) were connected to the top feed-thru connector of sub-flanges #1 and 2 on flange F2.  The picomotor and beam diverter cables (type D1000223) were connected to the bottom feed-thru connectors on the same sub-flanges.  The picomotor cable is on sub-flange #2, the beam diverter is on sub-flange #1.  (Sub-flange #1 is on top, 2 and 3 are on the bottom, in flange F2.  Sub-flange #3 is a blank at the moment, I think it's supposed to be the ESD feed-thru?)  The cables were loosely coiled together with a cable-tie and the attachments at the feedthru are nicely strain-relieved.

Then, we tested the picomotors and beam diverter.  All the picomotors were heard to squeal when driven from the in-air side of the flange.  The beam diverter moved when ~4V were applied across the coil.  The reed switch that is not stuck was seen to change state.  The reed switch that was known to be stuck is...still stuck.

In the chamber, there are three SUS cables that are currently not connected to feed-throughs.  Two are for the TMS SUS, and are intended for flange E3.  The other is (I think) meant for flange F3.  We left them unplugged since we didn't think we'd need to damp anything.

When we looked at the in-air side of flange F2 there were two cables connected to the ISC feed-throughs.  These cables were labeled H2-SUS-TMSY, so I think they're supposed to go to flange E3.  We unplugged them and left them in the cable tray.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.