Reports until 16:58, Monday 09 April 2012
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:58, Monday 09 April 2012 (2572)
BSC6 Seismic install progress
GregG, MitchR, JimW

We intended to float and do some rough leveling on BSC6 today, but ran into a couple of road blocks. First off, the sync cables for the CPS's were found to be too short. One cable just barely made it, but the other cable was too short by a couple of feet. We found a 25ft cable, but realized a little late the it had the wrong gender on one end to be used by itself, so it is currently being used as an extension. After that was figured out and the CPS's were powered up, we found two sensors were railed. Preliminary investigations found no loose connections, but we did find a suspicious kink in one sensor cable. We will continue looking at this tomorrow.

So, instead of floating, we installed cable brackets. No pics right now, there's a bit of clean up still to be done there.