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Reports until 13:50, Tuesday 10 April 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:50, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2576)
Acceptable SUS Watchdog Levels
Just because I realized that we don't have the latest and greatest written down anywhere:

Until further notice, the nominal values for the ALL SUS Watchdog thresholds for ALL OSEMs on ALL stages should be as follows:

OSEM DC LO: -30000
OSEM DC HI: 30000

Justification: The DC watchdog watches the raw ADC inputs of the OSEMs. The possible DC range should be between 0 cts (when the flag is completely blocking the LED) and the open light current, close to the ADC limit of 32768. At DC, during normal operation, the OSEMs should be centered to around 15000 counts, and typically do not move +/- ~5000 from the centered position. However, the "DC" bandpass rolls of at 10 Hz. The analog whitening filter is a [zero:pole], [0.4:10] Hz filter, which means that above 0.4 Hz there is appreciable gain, maxing out a factor of 25. That means although the DC signal will not go negative, any AC signal that's above 0.4 Hz may go negative.

OSEM AC: 8000

Justification: Here, typical undamped RMS velocities are something around 1000 cts AC RMS, and during transfer functions, something like 5000 cts AC RMS. 3000 over that should be a sufficient buffer for non-sense.

ACT AC: 25000

Justification: Here the OSEMs don't have the drive strength to really do any damage, and we have a 18 bit DAC, so 120000 cts to play with. Typical levels for damped system are ~2000 cts, and for drive during transfer functions, around ~10000 cts AC RMS. Note that yes, we *do* use the full 120000 cts range for a drive, but the band-limited (0.1 to 10Hz band) RMS of this excitation does not typically exceed 10000 cts.

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