Reports until 17:51, Tuesday 10 April 2012
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2582)
BSC6 CPS woes, balancing, etc.
HughR, FabriceM, MitchR, JimW

Follow up on the bad BSC6 CPS's found yesterday. This morning we investigated more fully and decided that it was most likely the probes that were bad, so there was some scrambling to find replacements. This was complicated by the fact that all of the CPS bake data in ICS had been purged and has not been reentered, so the only information we had on clean CPS's was buried in bake lab notebooks (many thanks to C&B for keeping this information handy!). We found some replacements in storage in the staging building and set about replacing the bad units with good as follows:

-St1V2 Bad CPS 13620 replaced with 12902
-St2V1 Bad CPS 13573 replaced with 12894

After that was completed (including switching phases on the cards for both replacement CPS's) we proceeded to rebalance the ISI. It is currently floating and TMS (I think, Dan and Aiden, anyway) is currently in chamber, unlocking their stuff (I think). SUS will unlock in the morning.

The attached pics show the current disposition of the cables and balance masses on corner 1,2 and 3 respectively.
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