Reports until 11:10, Wednesday 11 April 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:10, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2587)
TMS in-air free swing spectra, under test end and in-chamber

There was no TMS spectra posted to alog after it was transported to the test end, so here it is.

Current traces are in-chamber,  doors covered (yesterday) and references are under the test end (Mar/19/2012), both undamped and free swinging. Under the test end, ISI was locked down, but it was free last night.

The noise level of some DOF is much lower now than they used to, which might be due to the air flow under the test end.

These look different from in-lab measurement under the Bosch frame ( There's a whole bunch of peaks betweeb 1 and 2 Hz now, and also there used to be no 0.79-0.77 Hz peak under the Bosch frame. Usually I get suspicious about the touching/rubbing, but we looked and haven't found anything. OTOH, under the Bosch frame one of the suspension wire was resting on a washer on the table cloth, which was later fixed just before TMS was transported to the test end.


Frequencies of most of the peaks didn't change, but there are some that changed (e.g. from 0.79 Hz to 0.77 Hz, from 1.6 Hz to 1.5 Hz, and from 1.79 Hz to 1.75 Hz). The difference might be due to the ISI status (free VS locked down at the test end) but we don't know.

We'll check any interference again some time in the future, but at the moment we won't do anything and just damp it for ISI crews.

Images attached to this report