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Reports until 16:35, Wednesday 11 April 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2593)
H2 SUS ETMY Unlocked, and damped (and TMSY re-damped too)
J. Garcia, K. Kawabe, J. Kissel, T. Sadecki

We went in-chamber today to unlock the ETMY. It is now unlocked (and damping loops are functional). 

The Details:
- We ran into some trouble with new fiber protection plates interfering with ESD cables, as well as a few line stops around the test mass (Travis to provide a little more detail), but we've talked with Kurt / Besty / Travis since, and the discussion has started to improve it.
- We notice that both TMSY and ETMY had teflon tips still on most of their upper stage EQ stops. Note-to-self: these need to be removed before pump down
- In trying to run a few "is it rubbing?" TFs we discovered that their were some left over issues with the frame builder and some new .ini file modifications (See details from J. Garcia below).

We seem to have solved enough of the problems that the damping loops for both suspensions are functional and running.

Attached are a few "publicity photos" I got while Travis was unlocking H2 SUS ETMY in-chamber for the first time.
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