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Reports until 07:48, Thursday 12 April 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:48, Thursday 12 April 2012 (2597)
D. Barker, R. Bork, J. Garcia, J. Kissel

We have added two things to the QUAD_MASTER Model:
(1) Added two "TEST" filters which hook up spare ADC channels to Spare DAC channels (i.e. none are hooked up to any real electronics -- so no danger of positive feedback), and
(2) A DACKILL Part, to which the M0R0 watchdog is hooked up as the input flag.

The purpose of (1) was to have an independent way of confirming both the already-installed IOP DACKILL, and now the newly installed (2) usermodel DACKILL. For now, we've naively hooked up the M0R0 watchdog stage to it, so the our USER DACKILL merely performs the original intent of the watchdog and prevents all output of the model when the watchdog trips.

HOWEVER, this is too severe of a watchdog tripping, and currently (because we've yet to create an MEDM screen for it) is just a pain in the butt to reset. Eventually, we intend to hook this up to things more similar to the ISI's DACKILL, looking for "rogue" excitations such as coil driver monitor showing signal when "we haven't requested it," master switch being off, etc.

More details / development to come.

Since I haven't recompiled the a model recently, I provide a detailed log of what was done in order to actually install and ensure functionality of our changes to the model.

Made above mentioned changes to 
the new test filters added two extra inputs and outputs to the QUAD library part.

THEREFORE made further changes to 
connecting the TEST filters to ADC0_29 and ADC0_30, and DAC3_7 and DAC3_8. 
NOTE: This connection is unique to the ETMY top level model ... if we intend to keep these test filters in, we'll have to find unique spare channel locations for each chamber's QUAD.

Finally, with changes saved, we ran through the build process:
ssh h2build

cd /opt/rtcds/lho/h2/rtbuild-trunk/

make h2susetmy
(compiled successfully the first time -- we rule!)

make install-h2susetmy

ssh h2susb6

Because we added two new filter banks to the model, this affects the .ini framebuilder file., so we restarted restarted framebuilder (the "starth2susetmy" step "automatically does" the DAQ RELOAD button mashing that is normally required when we changed the .ini file without restarting the model.)

telnet h2dc0 8087

Saw second light of DACs 1 2 (not 3?!) 5 red on both the H2SUSETMY and H2SUSBSC8 GDS_TP screens.
Learned that that's (another/the) way that you know the DACKILL is working ... it tells you that the DAC card is "no longer in use." (Yep. THAT's what the second bit means.)

reset ETMY M0R0 watchdogs (because they come up tripped, and that's currently what trips our new USER DACKILL)

reset DACKILL (because we don't have a screen yet, we had to do it by hand...)
    0 (is BAD -- shows DACKILL is tripped)
    (saw zero)
    caput H2LSUS-ETMY_DACKILL_RESET 1 (triggers "the reset button")
    (saw 1)

Confirmed ability to drive by taking a quick low-resolution Longitudinal transfer function.

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