Reports until 21:02, Friday 13 April 2012
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:02, Friday 13 April 2012 (2617)
ALS table alignment
This afternoon I aligned the periscopes for the ALS beam and the Hartmann sensor beam.  I also retro-reflected the ALS beam and aligned the TCS pickoff (also destined for the Hartmann sensor) up to the Uniblitz shutter that was installed yesterday.

The alignment of the Hartmann beam (from the AR reflection off the ETM) is in the ballpark, but we'll have to wait for an actual beam to do it properly.  Note that to avoid interference with the ALS beam, the Hartmann beam is 'caught' by one mirror just below the upper ALS periscope assembly, and shot over to another periscope frame, and then down to the table.  (This is the periscope frame for a future IR beam that will come out of the vacuum.)  The mirror for the Hartmann beam is 3" below and 1" to the left of the ALS mirror; this placement is based on Bram's suggestion & calculation of where to put the beams on the viewports to avoid clipping.

There is some wiggle room in the periscope mounts, both vertically and horizontally, in case we need to re-align at the endstation.

In trying to fit a mirror mount for the Hartmann beam I wound up flipping the upper periscope assembly and tying down a corner with a dog clamp.  In the final design this is probably unnecessary.
Images attached to this report