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Reports until 12:22, Saturday 14 April 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:22, Saturday 14 April 2012 (2618)
H2 SUS ETMY Status
Since I was working up to the last minute, I haven't had the chance to aLOG everything yet, but I wanted to let everyone know what's coming, and what I've done. Forgive the brevity, more details to come. I've left H2 SUS ETMY with his damping loops running. Thanks er'body!

- Modified QUAD MEDM screens
     - to include blinky measurement status light on overview
     - to include more detail show all layers of "protection" on overview and R0
     - created a new user dackill screen

- Took transfer function measurements of ETMY
    - At first glance: we're rubbing on R0, M0 looks OK

- Added auxiliary chassis M0 and R0 SD monitor channels (a total of 8) to the frame builder 
    - This crashed everything, but after a call with Dave every things back up and running

- Measured spectra of SD monitor channels during 
    - everything off
    - damping loops on
    - during TRANS TF

All changes to MEDM screens, models, and .ini files have been committed to the userapps repository, and all new data have been committed to the SusSVN repository.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.