Reports until 12:22, Saturday 14 April 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:22, Saturday 14 April 2012 (2618)
H2 SUS ETMY Status
Since I was working up to the last minute, I haven't had the chance to aLOG everything yet, but I wanted to let everyone know what's coming, and what I've done. Forgive the brevity, more details to come. I've left H2 SUS ETMY with his damping loops running. Thanks er'body!

- Modified QUAD MEDM screens
     - to include blinky measurement status light on overview
     - to include more detail show all layers of "protection" on overview and R0
     - created a new user dackill screen

- Took transfer function measurements of ETMY
    - At first glance: we're rubbing on R0, M0 looks OK

- Added auxiliary chassis M0 and R0 SD monitor channels (a total of 8) to the frame builder 
    - This crashed everything, but after a call with Dave every things back up and running

- Measured spectra of SD monitor channels during 
    - everything off
    - damping loops on
    - during TRANS TF

All changes to MEDM screens, models, and .ini files have been committed to the userapps repository, and all new data have been committed to the SusSVN repository.