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Reports until 17:58, Wednesday 18 April 2012
deepakmanoj.nandakumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:58, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2633)
MC1 Assembly Notes

[Jeff B, Deepak K, Andres R]

Monday 16th April 2012

- Started with the build of MC1

- All the parts including the blades needed were separated and the serial numbers were noted down.

- Sub assemblies(Barrel EQ Stops, Face EQ Stops , Upper Blades) were assembled.

- The frame for MC1 (S/N 505) was setup on the table.

- Some of the EQ stops sub-assemblies were assembled on to the frame.

Tuesday 17th April 2012

- The remaining of the EQ stops sub-assemblies were assembled.

- The Upper Blades(S/N 605 & 609) were assembled on to the top of the frame with their appropriate clamps (0 deg).

- The Blade guards were partially assembled allowing the blades to be in their unloaded state.

- The AOSEM alignment assemblies were done and stored separately.

Wednes2day 18th April 201

 - The Upper mass was assembled.

- The Lower Blades (S/N 607, 616, 631 & 695) were assembled to the upper mass with their appropriate clamps (0.5 deg downwards).

- The remaining parts were assembled excluding the Magnets on to the main section.

- The wires and clamps are to be assembled.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.