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Reports until 15:11, Wednesday 18 April 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2643)
H2 ITMy BSC8 work
Over the last few days, we re-cabled and re-suspended the (now wire looped) ITMy QUAD suspension.  Travis made a first pass at adjusting out some pitch gross error.  He and Thomas then replaced the ACB into it's nominal position.  Travis removed the optic face shield and then installed the IAS corner cube onto the suspension, and Jason and Doug are working at setting up and measuring height and distance of the ITMy from the spool.  We will wait to finish installing the rest of the payload (sleeve, vibration absorbers) until IAS tells us how much adjustment we will need to make on the suspension.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.