Reports until 19:49, Wednesday 18 April 2012
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:49, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2646)
Triple Test Stand Status and PR3 (HLTS) Testing
[Stuart A, Jeff G, Jeff K, Joe B, Dave B, Jim B , Jeff B and many others]

It has been a busy week so far, so please excuse the tardiness of this aLOG entry! I just wished to post an overview of the current status of the LHO triple test stand:-  

- Transferred the functional LLO x2sushxts27 model, which was renamed x1sushxts27 for the LHO teststand. The cds model parameters were finally revised to dcuid = 17, host = tripleteststand). (See LHO aLOG entry 2637).

- Thanks to Joe B at LLO, for rectifying the simulink model and master model linking issues we encountered, enabling it to be successfully compiled and installed on the LHO test stand. Sanity checks were also carried out ensuring the model ADC channels were consistent with the triple test stand wiring diagrams (D1101834-v1). In the near future we shall need to also provide LHO with the latest version of the x2sushxts05 model too.

- Thanks to Jeff G at LHO, who, once the model was up and running, has been working on the medm screens. Basic functionality is there, but some further refinement and additional functionality is to be added.

- Once the medm screens were up and running foton filters were installed. Renamed versions of the LLO filters have been installed for both models (X1SUSHXTS27.txt and X1SUSHXTS05.txt).

- Set medm watchdogs accordingly (see LHO aLog entry 2576).

- Populated Sensor Alignment matrices for M2 and M3 stages.

- Configured defaults for OSEM input filters for M1, M2 and M3 (offset = -15000, gain = 1).

- Set Damping filter parameters taken from LLO PR3 measurements (see LLO aLog entry 2921).

- Generated and populated OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices for PR3 using "make_sus_hlts_projections.m" script.

- Taken a BURT snapshot "20120418_x1sushxts27_PR3.snap" of the current functional PR3 configuration, which has been relocated to the following path:- /opt/rtcds3/tst/x1/cds_user_apps/trunk/sus/x1/burtfiles. This snapshot has also been committed to the svn as of this entry. 

The LHO triple test stand now has sufficient functionality to allow open-light measurements to be made on OSEMs and for real-time visualisation of OSEM alignment. Hence the test stand was put to first use measuring PR3 M1 stage BOSEMS (see LHO aLog entry 2639). 

Still need to configure the coil output filters, check channel list, and check for correct sensor and actuator signs, which can be carried-out now that the BOSEMs can be aligned.

Thanks for everyone's support and effort in getting this far! There is still some more work to do, but ideally we would aim to be in a position to take M1-M1 transfer functions of PR3 within 24 hrs.