Reports until 12:30, Thursday 19 April 2012
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:30, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2650)
ITMy Initial Pitch/Yaw
IAS: D. Cook, J. Oberling
SUS: B. Bland, T. Sadecki

Measured/adjusted the pitch and yaw of the ITMy this morning:

We guesstimated the CPy pitch/yaw by roughly measuring its lateral displacement at the total station and calculating the angle.  Pitch is now roughly equal to the ITMy, but yaw is approximately 1.8 mrad CW.  This gives a differental yaw between the ITMy and CPy of 2.9 mrad CW.  For comparison, the differential yaw between the ITMy and CPy from the original alignment was 2.3 mrad CW (test stand alignment on 5 Dec 2011 was last time CPy yaw was measured).  Currently discussing path forward.