So we made a tweak of the HEPI to drop the South side and improve our other DOFs in the process. Following that we reattached the Horizontal Actuators. This was more that trivial. The translational moves were large enough that we had to translate the actuators to be able to reconnect them without binding bolts. So simple but access is poor and it took our crew the rest of the afternoon. After all connected, a final read of the dial indicators shows we did no harm. Please hope that attaching the Horizontal Actuators will be similar. So Monday: Attach Horz Actuators (Jim & Greg most of morning), Confirm IAS shots & check Optical Table Level--Adjust with HEPI if required, SUS tweaks Pitch, ISI release Lockers & rebalance as needed, Recheck IAS shots & table level. Thanks for your support and understanding. GregG JimW MitchR & Hugh