Reports until 15:25, Monday 23 April 2012
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:25, Monday 23 April 2012 - last comment - 16:19, Monday 23 April 2012(2670)
Seismic activities at BSC8
GregG, JimW

Today at BSC8 we hooked up the last of the HEPI actuators, mostly went off without a hitch. Greg should be posting our dial indicator shifts shortly. For future reference, making vertical adjustments to the horizontal actuators can be made with a small bottle jack. Just place the jack on top of the HEPI base clamp and put the top in contact with the underside of the actuator "shelf". 

After the actuators were hooked up, we went inside and looked at the level of the optical table. Need to confer with Hugh about the results, but it still looks pretty good. Could be as good as no more than a 0.1 mm difference across the table. I say "could be", as the measurement was a little difficult to make. It's hard to read a moving ruler through an auto-level.
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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 16:19, Monday 23 April 2012 (2672)
We'll have to get some Benzodiazepine for the next time we have to take levels. 

Attaching the horizontals went fairly smoothly. As Jim stated using a bottle-jack worked well for setting the vertical position. The SE corner horizontal actuator has a bound bolt and was somewhat more difficult to set but it went into place without too much trouble as well. A little bit of prying happened on the actuators to get them centered within their bellows. This caused a bit of movement on the support tubes, but not much.

in thousandths of an inch
        NW   SW   SE   NE
ΔV    1d    3d    7d    5u
ΔX    5s    3s    6n    5n
ΔY    2e    3w

This should hopefully translate to less than 25 μrads of cw* movement.

*Edited from ccw Hugh showed me the error of my ways. This is good though because we were out 70 μrads ccw, so we should now be even closer.
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