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Reports until 22:09, Monday 23 April 2012
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:09, Monday 23 April 2012 (2675)
Disassembly of the PSL (Part 1)
PSL installation team

H1 crystal chiller preparation: 
We found a leakage inside the chiller, which had been fixed now by getting out the flow turbine and preparing it with some teflon tape. Also, the flow has been decreased via the internal bypass valve (It needs to be below 30 lpm, otherwise the chiller would shut down). This valve needs to be readjusted, as soon as everything is connected.

Disassembly of the water supply from the laser head: 
The laser head (oscillator) has been emptied as a preparation step for getting out the pump fibers and (later) the laser crystals. The hoses and the water manifold are already stored in the H1 laser enclosure (but not mounted / connected yet)

Disassembly of the cabeling: 
We started to disconnect the cables on both ends, the racks and the components inside the LAE (laser heads, DBB, etc.)

The oscillator box has been opened unscrewed from the optical table. A big part of the optics between the oscillatot and the DBB and the Amplifier has been removed and stored on a breadboard, such that this breadboard can be moved over to the H1 enclosure. Thus, we are preparing some room on the table to get the transport frame attached to the oscillator (also, these components are needed in the new enclosure anyway.)

The pump light fibers had been disassembled and pulled out from the LAE. They are stored on the floor next to the LAE (the next step will be to get them out of the rail, running above the LAE roof)
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