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Reports until 18:32, Wednesday 25 April 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:32, Wednesday 25 April 2012 (2700)
The attached are transfer function measurements on the ITMY QUAD M0/R0 top masses from the night of 04/24/2012.  There are some apparent higher-frequency resonances above 50Hz.  The measurements were taken up to 50Hz with 0.1Hz resolution from 3Hz to 31Hz. From 29Hz to 51Hz, the resolution is 1Hz.  To note, the ISI had one of it's stages locked, while the other was floating.  The resonances seen in the OSEM data could be attributed to this ISI condition. This state appears to have had a significant effect particularly on the R0 Transverse DoF. The data is indicative of a locked mass that cannot swing freely. Also, the resonances are at the same three frequencies for both chains, which would suggest the ISI table is creating them.

As of tonight, the BSC 8 ISI is floating on both stages and has been balanced.

Tonight, new measurements will be run on ITMY with higher resolution above 30Hz and with the bandwidth expanded to 100Hz.  This will slightly increase the measurement time.

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