Reports until 07:40, Friday 27 April 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:40, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:34, Tuesday 08 May 2012(2704)
BSC8 Chamber closeout prep list
For the record, these are the things I know of that need to be done in the chamber before putting the door on:

0) Can someone please take FM TFS to see if rubbing is a problem there)?  <---  Team SUS Testers
1) Investigate and fix any ITMy rubbing identified by TFs ran Wed night or last night (waiting for results)
2) Fix any FM rubbing.
3) Reweight ACB
4) Remove TFE stop brackets
5) Take picture - EQ stop scratch marks on ITMy for Giles
6) Remove FirstCOntact - get N2 bottle
7) Set EQ stops and lockdown all nuts
8) Set witness plates?
9) Lock down flooring
10) Remove all tools - including any ACB brackets that they might decide to put on...
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 17:36, Saturday 28 April 2012 (2725)
While in the chamber with Calum and Kate on Thur, we played a bit with the reaction chain cabling.  In hind sight, this was probably a bad idea since I possibly could have thrown the alignment of this chain out a little bit.  (Kate is very concerned that we will have a future cable failure on the extension cable feeding the L2 OSEMs as this cable has a high failure rate and indeed was clamped a bit tight making it more susceptible to TFE flowing of it's shielding.)  I kinda doubt that the alignment is out, but a trend of OSEMs signals would tell us the truth.  During the IAS alignment last week I tried to manipulate the suspension alignment via adjusting the slack in these cables and could not get any gross results.  So, that's good.  Heads up for trouble shooting the reaction chain alignment if we ever need it...
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 16:34, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2785)

Today, Betsy and I removed the First Contact from both the HR surface of the ITM and the back surface of the CP.  We then cleaned off the remaining smudges of FC with acetone, so these surfaces are now exposed and in their cleanest state.  I then did a final check of the EQ stops and locknuts.  Note, we will need yet another set of TFs before putting the door on the chamber in order to vet this suspension's health since some stops were manipulated during these processes.  Finally, I removed the TFE line stops from the main chain.  Another note, we still need to set the top BOSEMs to their buoancy compensated values (Betsy forgot to put this in her checklist).  I will carry out the final 3 or 4 steps of the closeout checklist tomorrow, and, after the TFs are taken and analyzed, the door should be ready to go back on.