Reports until 12:27, Thursday 26 April 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:27, Thursday 26 April 2012 - last comment - 10:03, Tuesday 01 May 2012(2705)
TMS and HAM6 inspection (Frank, Betsy, Calum, Keita)

We inspected several things. More pictures were taken than shown here, which are to be posted to resource space by Calum.

1. Washers that were stuck

There are four stainless washers used for TMS temporary restraint that were stuck to the aluminum bracket (see  picture). I tried to lift them all gently, and they wouldn't move at all. Might be possible to ply it off using some tool, but we agreed it's not worth the risk of flipping and flying them to break wires.

2. A cable that is not connected

There was one cable that is not connected yet, and we identified it as the ring heater cable connecting CB-3 and the vacuum feed through (F3-3C2). This is going to be taken care of later.

One thing I noticed is that the floor order for this bracket is reversed. CB-3 first floor (closest to the  ISC table) should be one of the ETMY SUS cables, and the second floor should be the ring heater according to D1101478, but in reality it was the opposite (see the second picture, the white-ish cable is for the ring heater).

It's easy to tell the difference because of the color, but I think it's still a good practice to install things as specified for future workers.

3. One of the TMS cables was brushing the HWS mirror

The cable sagged, apparently. We fixed this (see the third and the fource picture).

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:16, Monday 30 April 2012 (2727)

Boo. BSC6, not HAM6.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:03, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2732)
Note - When I assembled the cable connectors on those brackets, I fed back all of the changes I made to the layout guys (SYS).  I am waiting for an update to the cable layout drawing based on these.  The order of the "flooring" of the connectors in the bracket make more sense the way they are now, hence redlines to the drawing.