Reports until 21:43, Thursday 26 April 2012
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:43, Thursday 26 April 2012 (2710)
Disassembly of the PSL (Part 4)
PSL installation team

The diode boxes had been craned over from the H1 LDR to the H2 LDR and installed into the diode rack.

The gantry crane had been disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled inside the H1 LAE. It had been used to get the PSL oscillator from the optical table to a set of dollys. It still stored in the ante room and will be brought to the H1 LAE with the facility crane. The DBB, the MOPA and a big part of the optics from the PSL table are wraped and stored in the H2 LDR.

The cameras for monitoring H1 PSL activities inside the H1 LAE are installed and the rooms have been cleaned.

The TV screens needed for work inside the laser enclosure are unmounted from the H2 LAE walls and ready to be reassembled inside the H1 enclosure.
Images attached to this report