Reports until 15:34, Friday 27 April 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:34, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:14, Friday 27 April 2012(2717)
H2 SUS ITMY TFs with both ISI stages unlocked
The attached files are pdfs of the latest round of H2 SUS ITMY M0/R0 transfer function measurements from the night of 2012-04-25.  The first two files contain the same measurement on M0, the latter two for R0.  The first file of M0 plots the data against a model for a fiber welded to a glass test mass.  The second file plots the same data using a wire suspending a metal "dummy mass".  The second two are for the R0 top mass with the first file plotting the data against the fiber weld to a "thincp", while the second file plots the data with a metal wire suspending a metal compensation plate ("cp").  

Data and plots are in the SUS SVN under:
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 16:14, Friday 27 April 2012 (2721)
The data for the R0 top mass in the Transverse DoF (R0 "SD" OSEM only) had practically zero coherence with the drive signal.  There is the possibility of either rubbing of the flag with the OSEM housing, or an earthquake stop is preventing free-swinging motion of the R0 top mass.