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Reports until 13:49, Monday 30 April 2012
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:49, Monday 30 April 2012 (2729)
Rogue excitation monitor – to be modified

The rogue excitation monitor trips when there is a voltage on the coil drivers readback (>100mV) whereas either the masterswitch is turned off or the watchdogs are tripped.

I was able to trip this monitor when there was no excitations (by tripping the ISI-SUS watchdogs). I drove -32000 counts (-9.76V) on one actuator and tripped the ISI-SUS watchdogs. As soon as the watchdogs tripped, the outputs of the models are 0 (ISI watchdogs + DACKILL part). But the voltage on the readbacks didn't go down to zero instantaneously. It took about 2 seconds to reach 100mV (the current threshold).

On the attached plots (coil drivers stage 1 and 2), the left hand side figure shows the state of the watchdogs. When The ISI WD goes from state 2 to 4, there are no outputs on the DAC. On the right, the figure presents the DAC output, the coil driver readbacks and the rogue excitation monitor threshold. You can also note the discrepancy between the DAC output and the coil driver voltage readback (inacurate calibration/ accuracy of the voltage monitor).

We should add a 3-second delay on the ST1_CD_Driven and ST2_CD_Driven channels in the ERRMON block of the isi2stagemastermodel. Same things for the HAM model.

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