Reports until 17:44, Monday 30 April 2012
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:44, Monday 30 April 2012 (2731)
ALS table to End-Y
After growing up in the optics-table nursery next to HAM-6, the ALS table has struck out on its own into the wider world.  It found a nice rent-controlled place about 2.5 miles to the south that advertises an unobstructed view of ITMY.  It's settling in; the cable guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow sometime between 8am and 4pm.

Before the move, Alberto and I wrapped all the external fixtures in Ameristat, plugged holes with clean-room tape, and then wrapped the entire table enclosure and the legs in plastic wrap to keep the dust off.  The Apollo crew did a masterful job craning the table out of the laser area (table weight: 2250 lbs) and then moved it to the flatbed trailer with a forklift.  Despite winds gusts that had to be ~45mph, the trip to the end was smooth.  We stripped the plastic wrap off in the first highbay area, gave everything a thorough wipe-down with alcohol wipes, and pushed the table into its new home.  Thanks to TVo and Tomoki for the help.

The HEPA fan for the table is plugged in and running.  We lowered the screws on the table legs; we'll probably have to fine-tune the position once we start aligning beams, but for now there's enough friction that you won't move the table if you push on it.

Pictures attached; there's a time-lapse video of our trip down the arm here:
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