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Reports until 22:41, Tuesday 01 May 2012
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:41, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2742)
Resassembly of the PSL (Part 1)
PSL installation team

April, 27th

- Craned PSL oscillator, amplifier, gantry crane and others over from the H2 LAE to H1 LAE (see photo).
- Beckhoff up and running.
- Cabeling at the PSL racks next to the enclosure is ongoing.

April, 30th

- replaced all four water filters (those underneath the optical table and the ones at the chiller returnes). All of them are 10 µm filters now.
- removed lifting frame from the oscillator box and mounted the oscillator, the mopa and the DBB to the optical table.
- Put the new cabinets into the H1 ante-room and moved stuff (spare components / PSL components) over from the H2 ante room 

May, 1st

- moved/cleaned one of the cabinets from H2 ante room, because we needed one more for the H1 ante room. It contains the spare HiPoPMC et al.
- MOPA turned on and aligned (output 33.9 W)
- all spare components and components from the "old" optical table are now inside the H1 LAE (this includes the high power PMC / ISS box)
- started to put optis on the laser table
- characterized fiber bundles for the high power oscillator: two fiber bundles (#2,#3) are already reassembled to the oscillator. Fiber bundle #1 has been cleaned twice.
- removed the 4f lenses and the laser crystals from the oscillator as preparation for the pre-alignment procedure.
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