Reports until 06:17, Wednesday 02 May 2012
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:17, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2743)
L-mail Feature Requests
Often, in our haste to write aLOGs, we may put up errant / incomplete information. After a re-read later, we may correct typos, add extra files / information, etc. Y'know, edit it. However, when these logs are edited, they send out L-mail as though they were new. For those of us that forget about the "preview" feature, my request is as follows:
(1) If an entry is edited vs. newly created, the L-mail message should reflect that. Instead of "A new report has been made...," perhaps something like "A report has been edited..."
(2) We should have the ability to suppress L-mail notification with the understanding that, like the DCC, this should be discouraged, and reserved only for minor changes (e.g. typographical). I've seen this ability in other logbooks, like The Seismic Group Notebook.

On a separate request, but still involving L-mail (and maybe the "link" feature in general): it is often very useful to see not only the specific log entry that has been linked from L-mail, but the context around it. Is there anyway for an entry's link to take you to the full page of surrounding entries, in addition to just the linked entry? I've found that sometimes, when I get around to reading my L-mail, that the entry of interest has fallen off the "front page" of the log, so when I hit "home" to see the other log entries around it, I have to re-find the entry, through several more clicks.